WATERUN Call for EU Expert

Researcher to join the WAREG Secretariat on the topics of urban water runoffs in the European Union: policy and regulatory frameworks.

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Call for EU Expert

Researcher to join the WAREG Secretariat on the topics of urban water runoffs in the European Union: policy and regulatory frameworks.

Scope of this call for an EU Expert

In support of its Secretariat, WAREG is looking for a EU member country researcher who specialises in urban water runoffs. WAREG is part of the Horizon Europe WATERUN consortium; as part of the consortium, it has to develop a policy and regulatory framework analysis, the results of which will be included in a policy brief.

The WATERUN project aims to develop an innovative methodology to contribute to implementing Urban Water Runoff (UWR) management plans in cities. This methodology will provide preventive and mitigation solutions and best management practices for diffuse water pollution control in urban catchments. This project aims to transform urban water runoff management by developing identification, planning, and risk-based tools and new working procedures (guidance). It counts on the early involvement of the main urban water management and governance actors (co-creation process) to ensure a wider and faster adoption.
The project counts three case studies (the city of Santiago de Compostela, the city of Aarhus and the city of Amman) that have been chosen to obtain data and elaborate, perform and validate the proposed WATERUN methodology.
The policy brief will aim to support the promotion of new, systemic UWR management approaches, such as WATERUN Solutions, in the EU and beyond by providing guidance to the institutions/staff members responsible for implementing new regulatory requirements, such as the updated EU directive concerning urban wastewater treatment.
The research should include the framework at the EU level, particularly the frameworks of Spain and Denmark (additional cases, such as the city of Amman in Jordan, may be included if deemed necessary).

The remuneration envisaged for the consultancy services including travel, accommodation and insurance expenses and local taxes – 50000 EUR.

Detailed information concerning WATERUN project can be found at: https://www.waterun.eu/

Expected deliverables:

  1. Drafting a detailed and comprehensive policy and regulatory framework analysis of Urban Water Runoff (exp. T1 2026):
    • Introduction & context (UWR in Europe).
    • Benchmark Analysis: Current state of (regulatory) affairs related to UWR management in the EU.
    • Regulatory Trends: Description of legislation framework related to UWR management in the EU (e.g. 2024-2030). For instance, the UWWTD (How does it impact UWR?).
    • Implications of the new UWWTD at the national and municipality levels (including legal and economic impacts and financial implications).
    • Impact of Trends: Implications of trends for the target audience in light of introduction; and benchmark analysis: what does it mean for existing legal, economic, governance, and methodological frameworks?
    • Technological Trends: Emerging technologies and new approaches/methodologies for systemic UWR management and Water Sensitive Urban Design.
    • Best Practices & Case Studies: Description of best practice examples, case studies (Aarhus, Santiago de Compostela) and promising emerging solutions (such as WATERUN Solutions)
  2. To participate as a speaker in a policy workshop (exp. T1 2026).
  3. To participate in dissemination activities (exp. T2 206).

Main topics to be addressed in the analysis and policy brief:

Perform a benchmarking of the UWR legal and governance framework at different levels:

  • An analysis of relevant EU legislation to assess the potential impact on national legislation and regulation (e.g. In Spain and Denmark at the respective relevant levels, i.e. from national to municipal);
  • An evaluation of possible reforms at the governance level to the implementation of WATERUN solutions.

Identify the key regulatory barriers at the EU, national, and local levels (e.g., tariff affordability, and the efficiency of CAPEX and OPEX in the WSS industry) and analyse ad hoc solutions to overcome these.

Perform an economic regulation analysis of public services for UWR management in the framework of the WATERUN solutions:

  • The peculiarities and potential of territorial, centralised and local allocation of regulatory tasks;
  • Identify the most effective governance layer of intervention for sound regulation; and
  • Understand best practices to leverage investment in public infrastructures (urban drainage systems) using tariffs.

Perform an analysis of tariff methodologies in selected countries to understand best practices to leverage investment in public infrastructures, specifically urban drainage systems, through tariffs.

Perform analysis of satellite cases to deliver the most suitable instruments and identify the most effective governance layer of intervention.

To compile the conclusions of the analysis in a Policy Brief (Paper) (exp. 02.2026).

Information and qualifications required in the application

The following minimum information is required in the application:

  • Motivated individual with higher education in a related discipline (ideally with a PhD) and at least 5 years of working/research experience in the wastewater sector. A track record in the academic or institutional environments is considered a plus. A track record of relevant publications in the fields of research related to this paper is required.
  • Proven capability to address the topics of the analysis at the EU and selected countries levels.

Timeline for the application and the research

Applications for this research position should be received by February 14, 2025. The proposed timeline for the research is the following:

  • Analysis of offers and selection: by April 2025
  • Contract award: by May 2025
  • Contract duration: May 2025-February 2026

Interested candidates should submit the following documents:

  • CV.
  • Motivation letter with evidence of capacity to fulfil the requirements of the position and showing an understanding of the scope of work.

To submit the application or request additional information, please send an email to secretariat@wareg.org