Graduated, Post-graduated, MSc, PhD and Postdoc (habilitation), is a Full Professor of the Scientific Area of Systems and Management of Infrastructure in the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-resources at the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon (IST), Portugal. He is a researcher of the Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability of IST (CERIS / CESUR), of the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) at the University of Florida and of the Center of Local Government (CLG) at the University of New England in Australia, where he is a Visiting Professor at the Business School. His areas of expertise include regulation of public services, performance assessment, project management, procurement, particularly public-private partnerships and infrastructure services. Currently he is a consultant of the World Bank and in the past he collaborated with other international organisations, such as the European Investment Bank, the European Union, the United Nations and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, as well as with other government entities and public and private companies from several countries.
Board Member
Dimitar Kochkov
EWRC Regulator, Bulgaria
Dimitar Kochkov graduated University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia in 1991 with professional qualification Master Civil Engineer in water supply and sanitation. In 2004 he post-graduated Business Organization and Management in Academy of Economics “D. Tsenov” – Svishtov town. Dimitar is Member of EWRC Board (Bulgarian Energy and Water Regulatory Commission) since March 2015. Before his nomination in EWRC, he was Member of Bulgarian Parliament, 42nd National Assembly. In his professional engineering career, he occupied different expert and leading positions in Bulgarian Water and Sanitation Operator Company. He an extra experience as a consultant on wastewater treatment for international water purification companies. Dimitar participated as a key expert in international infrastructure projects funded by EU. He is the designer of full design capacity in water and sanitation with participation in small and medium-scale projects. Vice-president of WAREG since October 2017.
Director at CERRE
Sean Ennis
CERRE, Brussels, Belgium
Director of the Centre for Competition Policy and Professor of Competition Policy at UEA’s Norwich Business School.
Previously, he was a Senior Economist in the Competition Division of the OECD. At the OECD he developed and led the OECD’s Competition Assessment work programme. Prior to that, he worked as an economist at the European Commission’s DG Competition and at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division, developing economic analyses for competition law investigations.
He has been involved in competition law and regulatory proceedings including with the European Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission.
Policy Analyst
Martha Baxter
OECD, Paris, France
Martha Baxter is a Policy Analyst within the Regulatory Policy Division of the OECD’s Public Governance Directorate. Her work focuses on the performance and governance of regulators in the framework of the OECD’s Network of Economic Regulators. She is currently working on the OECD Water Governance policy dialogue with Peru, focusing on the regulatory framework for water, and is leading the performance assessment reviews of Portugal’s energy services regulator and Ireland’s environmental protection agency. She has a BA in Geography from St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, and a MSc. in International Relations focusing on the International Political Economy of the Environment from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
“The Governance of Water Regulators: Experience from the OECD’s Network of Economic Regulators
Full professor
Simon Porcher
University of Paris Sorbonne, France
Simon Porcher is Associate Professor of Management and scientific director of the Economics of Public-Private Partnership Chair at Sorbonne Business School, IAE Paris, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
Simon Porcher has specialized during his Phd in the study of privatization of water public services in France and has then extended his research to other countries including the UK and Chile and has on-going works on China, Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal.
“Direct versus delegated management of water services in France”
Key aspects of the regulation of water public services in France. The use of contracts with private companies to manage water public services allows for efficiency and quality benchmarking between direct and delegated management, and raises questions about the determinants of the choice of the local government to manage or delegate, and to switch from a governance model to the other.
Associate Professor
Giulia Romano
University of Pisa
Giulia Romano is Associate Professor in Business Administration at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), where she teaches Corporate Governance and Economy of Public Services.
She has a PhD in Business Economics and coordinated the Jean Monnet Module on European Water Utility Management, University of Pisa (Italy) from 2014 to 2017.
“Cooperativism and Water services”
Community-owned water supplies (COWS) as a management model of European water service provision. An analysis of diffusion, common features throughout Europe, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the COWS management model
Executive Director
Milo Fiasconaro
Aqua Publica Europea
Milo Fiasconaro has been the Executive Director of Aqua Publica Europea – the European Association of Public Water Operators – since 2012. Prior to that, he worked with public authorities in the implementation European innovation and regional policies. He holds a Master of Arts by research in Human Geography from Durham University (UK) and a degree in Political Science from Florence University (Italy). In addition to Italian, his mother tongue, he fluently speaks English, French and Spanish.
Claudia Castell-Exner
Claudia Castell-Exner is the President of EurEau, European Federation of National Associations of Water Services, since May 2017, and the Head of water management, water quality and water usage and coordinator of European water policies at DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association) since March 2011.
She has also been a member of the Drinking Water Committee of the Federal Ministry of Health, Germany from 2011 until 2015, the chairman of EurEau Commission 1 on “Drinking water”.
Castelli-Exner holds a PhD in “Mineral nitrogen dynamics of soils used for winegrowing in the water protection area ‘Stromberger Straße’ at the University of Mainz (Germany).
“The governance of European water services: facing societal challenges in an evolving policy environment”
Head of International Affairs
Gari Villa-Landa Sokolova
Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation AEAS
Gari Villa-Landa Sokolova is a Molecular Biologist with 3 master courses on Environmental Management, Planning & Management of Cooperation for Development and Water Law. She is currently developing a PhD on the regulation of water services. Since 2015 she is Head of International Affairs at the Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS). As a representative of AEAS in EurEau, she evaluates European directives and initiatives related to water; she is member of the Steering Committee of the OECD Water Governance Initiative; she is part of the ISO working group developing principles for corporate governance of water utilities; she’s also the representative of AEAS in the IWA; she’s is also working on issues related to regulation and governance of water services at the national level and she’s representing AEAS in any other international initiatives/activities.
“Governance challenges of the Spanish water Services”
Full Professor
Emmanuel Thanassoulis
Aston Business School & Aston University
Emmanuel Thanassoulis is Professor in Management Sciences at Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham UK and Oxera Associate. He has an extensive research track record, applications and teaching experience in comparative-efficiency assessment methods especially those based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). He authored Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A foundation text with integrated software (2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston) and co-authored the chapters ‘DEA—The Mathematical Programming Approach to Efficiency Analysis’, in The Measurement of Productive Efficiency and Productivity Growth (H. Fried, et al. (eds), 2008 Oxford University Press). He has co-developed widely used DEA Software and has acted as consultant on efficiency and productivity analysis to a variety of organisations, including Ofwat (regulator of UK water companies), Royal Mail, Severn Trent Water, the UK Department for Education and Skills and the UK Department for Communities and Local Government.
Director of Water and Compliance
Laura Brien
CRU, Ireland
Laura Brien was appointed Director of Water and Compliance in February 2019, where she leads the CRU’s work on economic regulation of Irish Water. Prior to that she was Director of Energy Markets at the CRU since 2014, where she was responsible for delivering the Integrated Single Electricity Market for energy and capacity Laura has over 20 years’ experience in the utility sector, for both energy and water, having advised on energy policy at both national and international level. She previously held economic consulting roles across both public and private utility companies, providing advice to government departments, regulators and private equity firms relating to the deregulation and privatization of electricity industry in several US states, Mexico, Ireland, Spain, Brazil, Thailand and Canada.
Project Member
Stjepan Gabric
World Bank Danube Water Program (DWP)
Mr. Stjepan Gabric holds an MSc in wastewater engineering from IHE Delft (The Netherlands), and BSc in water engineering from Civil Engineering Faculty in Zagreb (Croatia). For 25 years, out of which 18 years in the World Bank, he has been involved in a design, implementation and planning of wide range of water and wastewater projects in Europe and Central Asia, and related analytical studies covering mainly in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. He is core member of World Bank Danube Water Program (DWP) team since 2014 and is currently involved in preparation and implementation of World Bank water operations in Belarus, Russian Federation, Croatia and Western Balkan.
“The Danube’s Water Platform: information sharing and benchmarking of water utilities”
Takuya Urakami
Kindai University, Osaka, Japan
akuya Urakami is a professor at Faculty of Business Administration, Kindai University in Osaka, Japan. His major is public utility economics, and his interest is on productivity, efficiency and performance analysis especially on water and sewerage industry in Japan. He currently serves on several council committees for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) which is a water regulator, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) which is a sewerage regulator. He is now a research representative of the GAIA Project (Gesuido Academic Incubation to Advanced Project)
“Understanding the Relationship between Industry Fragmentation and Wastewater Efficiency, so as to Inform Japanese Government Policy on Wide Area Cooperation and Consolidation”
Alan Horncastle
Alan has more than 25 years of experience in applying economics to aid decision-making, particularly in regulated sectors such as water, energy, transport and communications. Alan specialises in efficiency measurement and assessments, regulatory reform and regulatory incentive design. He is co-author with S. Kumbhakar and H.-J. Wang of A Practitioner’s Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis using Stata, published by Cambridge University Press in 2015. The book provides practitioners in academia and industry with a step-by-step guide on how to conduct efficiency analysis using the econometric approach, stochastic frontier analysis.
“Views on the cost assessment undertaken in the 2019 price control in England and Wales”
Chief Executive
Alan Sutherland
WICS, Scotland, UK
Alan Sutherland has been Chief Executive of the Water Industry Commission since its establishment in 2005, where he presided over the first successful liberalisation of a retail water market in the world.
More recently, Alan oversaw the Strategic Review of Charges for Scottish Water for 2015-21.
Alan is an experienced speaker at international and national water and utility conferences. He is a member of the UK Regulators Network (UKRN) alongside the CEOs of ten other key UK regulators including Ofgem, Ofwat, FCA, and the ORR. Alan has extensive experience in management consultancy and in the investment banking industry. He was formerly a management consultant with Bain and Company and before that a Manager with Robert Fleming and Co.
“Use of information and efficiency assessment: reflections from the Scottish regulatory experience”
David Saal
Professor David Saal is a Professor of Microeconomics, Head of the Economics discipline group and Co-Director of the newly established Centre for Productivity and Performance at Loughborough University. Professor Saal has extensive research expertise in the economic modelling of infrastructure industry costs and its application to infrastructure industry regulation, and improving the efficiency and productivity of firms. He has also provided consulting advice on infrastructure cost modelling, and/or the cost implications of proposed changes in industry structure to the World Bank, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales Australia, and OFGEM. His research has led him develop several interdisciplinary projects that focus on evaluating water industry reform proposals that aim to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the water industry. Professor Saal is also a Research Professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
“The Implication of (Not) Appropriately Controlling for Cost Interactions, Water Scarcity and Operating Environment in Regulatory Waste and Wastewater Cost Assessment”.
Associate professor
Fabrizio Erbetta
University of Piemonte Orientale
Fabrizio Erbetta is associate professor in Management at the University of Piemonte Orientale where he teaches Managerial Economics and Financial Management. He is also research fellow at the HERMES research center (Turin). His research field concerns operational management issues using statistical and operational research tools with application to the services sector. His research has been published in peer-reviewed international journals such as Transportation Research E, International Journal of Management Science (OMEGA), Journal of Productivity Analysis and many othes. He participated in ESSENCE Project funded by EU within the CIPS program (2012-2014, Local Unit: University of Piemonte Orientale).
“The right benchmarking for the right incentives: the issue of water losses in distribution networks”
Management Committee Member
Peter Dane
Peter Dane (1954, NL) is a civil engineer by profession. He started his career at the water company of the City of Rotterdam where he has been responsible for corporate strategy, legal affairs, investment planning, industrial water supply, technical due diligence of mergers. Peter has been a member of the Dutch National Committee. In 2005 he changed to Vewin (Association of Dutch Water Companies). With Nordic partners, he developed an international benchmarking programme to improve performance of water- & wastewater services. Currently, Peter is the managing director of the EBC Foundation (European Benchmarking Co-operation).
Peter is a management committee member of IWA’s Specialist Group on Benchmarking & Performance Assessment.
“The EBC programme: promoting continuous improvement of water services by learning from each other”
Heather Smith
Cranfield University
Heather Smith is a Lecturer in Water Governance at Cranfield University. She holds an MSc in Water Science, Policy & Management from the University of Oxford, and a PhD in Geography and Environment from the University of Aberdeen. Her research explores the governance, institutions and societal dimensions of the water and wastewater services sector. She is particularly interested in the relationship between governance and resilience. Her recent projects have examined the emergence of new technologies and approaches in the sector, such as water recycling and resource recovery, and how these fit with existing governance frameworks and the perceptions of end users.
Szilvia Szalóki
HEA, Hungary
Szilvia Szalóki is a recognized water professional. She is a lawyer by profession and an expert in energy law. As a lawyer she gave advise to local governments in the water utility sector, and prepared them to meet the requirements of the regulations. She also participated in the review of water utility supplier companies and in development projects.
Since 2013 she is the vice-president of the Hungarian regulator. It was her responsibility to help to establish the professional supervision of the water and waste water sector in Hungary. Performing this important task she built strategic cooperation with the representatives of water and waste water sector, furthermore with other responsible agencies and institutions. Most recently she is focused on international issues and the cooperation of water regulators. She has been elected as one of the vice-presidents of WAREG in 2015, 2018 and re-elected in 2020.
Head of Unit
Elena Gallo
ARERA, Italy
Industrial economist, she has been involved in public utility services (telecommunications, railways, electricity, gas and, now, water services) for more than 25 years, starting as a consultant, then working in operating companies and finally on the regulators’ side. In the period 2006-2009 she was appointed as an external expert in two different Governments commissions, ending this activity when becoming an ARERA (the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment) staff member. After the attribution of regulatory competencies on water services (end 2011) she has headed the “Tariffs Unit” and the “Quality of Water Supply and Metering” Unit, being now the deputy director of the Water Systems Division. She attended various conferences, published articles in specialised press and collaborated to some books.
“Regulatory tools for promoting environmental sustainability: the ARERA’s experience”
Sarah Gilman
WICS, Scotland UK
Sarah is a Chartered Scientist and Chartered Environmentalist working for Scottish Water within the Research and Innovation Department. Currently, Sarah is developing new ways for the water industry in Scotland to adopt and implement new technologies for wastewater and sludge treatment for Scottish Water.
Additionally, Sarah represents Water UK on EurEau. In July 2019 Sarah became Co-Chair of the EurEau Waste Water Committee. With over 20 years’ experience in the water sector, Sarah was leading work on sustainable urban drainage in Scotland in 1990s.
“Sludge Management in EU, following a circular economy approach”
Full Professor
Francesco Fatone
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Prof. Eng. Francesco Fatone, Full Professor of Chemical-Environmental Engineering and Coordinator of the PhD Program in Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Architecture. In last 7 years Francesco Fatone raised more than 4.5 million euros from EU-funded projects and more than 0.5 from private funding. Francesco Fatone is or has been: (a) Coordinator of the Horizon2020 Innovation Action “SMART-Plant” and Work Package leader of: n.5 Horizon2020 projects; (b) Team member of more than 15 International R&D&I projects; (c) Editor in Chief of the H2Open Journal (IWA Publishing). (d) Member of expert committee about circular economy of the Italian Ministry of Environment.
“Carbon footprint of wastewater treatment service: towards standard measure”
Research Fellow
Peyo Stanchev
Brunel University, London, UK
Dr Peyo Stanchev (MSc, PhD) is a Research Fellow at Brunel University London. His research focuses on the application of circular economy, water-food-energy nexus and sustainability concepts in the context of urban water systems. He is currently a WP leader and Technical director in HYDROUSA H2020 project, which focuses on the implementation of nature-based solutions to close the water loops in decentralized water scarce Mediterranean areas. Beside his research experience, Dr Stanchev has extensive industrial experience as engineer and consultant in projects for flood risk assessment, water and wastewater management. He also undertakes various consulting activities with contracts awarded from leading UK water industry partners.
“The circular economy of the water cycle, pathways for implementation and circularity performance assessment: Anglian Water Shop Window”
Zsuzsanna Nagy-Kovács
Zsuzsanna Nagy-Kovács has been working at Budapest Waterworks Ltd. since 2006. She is deputy water security leader at the company and also manages a research project with a focus on the water security of the capital, Budapest.
She holds a MSc in Bioengineering with a specialisation in environmental protection. Since 2016 she works on her PhD thesis in the subject of the effect of climate change on river bank filtration and related social aspects.
“Implementing innovative natural and engineered treatment systems in Budapest”
Scientific Advisor
Cedric Prevedello
Aquawal, Belgium
Master in geography at the University of Brussels. Since 2003 : scientific advisor at Aquawal, the federation of public utilities in Wallonia (southern Belgium). Working especially on water pricing and particularly on redistributivity and elasticity.
Works with the economic regulators in his country on the application of performance indicators. Role of lobby to the government on the current and future challenges of the water cycle.
Coordinator on the working group on tariffs in Aqua Publica Europea.
“Circular economy in water and wastewater: state of the art and perspectives in Wallonia (Belgium) and the effect of (lack)of regulation on it”
Associated Professor
Montserrat Termes
Cetaqua. Spain
Montserrat Termes is an associated professor of Economics and Finance Faculty of the University of Barcelona where she is teaching and researching in different subjects, including water regulation. Since 2008, She is the scientific and technical advisor in Economic, Environment and Society Area of CETaqua, Water Technology Cen- tre of Aigües de Barcelona. Currently, she is the president of the Catalan committee experts on climate change. Dr Termes participates in different European projects focused on water economics, tariffs innovation, ecosystem services approach and on circular economy.
“Dynamic water prices for promoting a sustainable and efficient use”
Senior Advisor
Hay Koppers
Aquaminerals, Netherlands
As Senior Advisor, Water Supply and Residuals Management, Hay Koppers is fully conversant with the organisational aspects of public services. Formerly CEO of a Shared Service Centre of the Dutch Water Supply Sector (Reststoffenunie B.V.), Hay is currently involved in international business development dealing with the upcycling of re- siduals from water treatment processes. He has a long track record in the field of improving the sustainability of water treatment processes and is closely involved in European policy on wastes. As Guest Lecturer at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, he also transmits his knowl- edge to foreign MSc students.
“AquaMinerals: a collective approach of the Dutch water sector to stimulate circular economics for their residuals from water treatment processes”
Deputy Director of Infrastructure Department
Luca Lo Schiavo
ARERA, Italy
Luca Lo Schiavo is currently Deputy Director of the Infrastructure Regulation Department at the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy (ARERA), where he works since 1997. He is an expert of quality of service and innovation in the power system. He is member of the ACER Infrastructures TF and of CEER Distribution Systems WG. He is co-author of a book on service quality regulation (2007) and coauthor of many regulatory papers, including “Changing the regulation for regulating the change”, winner of the ICER Award (2012), and “Smart metering: an evolutionary perspective”, recognized as Highly Acknowledged Paper at the ERRA Award (2017).
“Regulatory tools for promoting innovation:the European experience”
Riccardo Scarpa
University of Verona, Italy
Professor Riccardo Scarpa is an USA trained applied economist with a broad interdisciplinary research portfolio and impact, his research focus is on the microeconometrics of survey data with applications in regulatory and local public economics, especially in the fields of environment, rural systems, food, water, economic development and nature conservation. After his PhD in the USA, Riccardo has held academic positions in Italy, Chile, the UK, New Zealand and Australia. He has an extensive consultancy experience for government agencies and regulated business at various levels. Riccardo served and is serving in the editorial board and as associate editor in various academic journals in economics, management and policy, and has acted as peer reviewer for over 75. Riccardo’s co-authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers that have been cited more than 4,000 times in ISI publications. He supervised 26 PhD students, 5 of whom are now professors and most of them are working for universities and UN international agencies.
Member of the Executive Board
Ana Barreto Albuquerque
ERSAR, Portugal
Ana Barreto Albuquerque is Member of the Executive Board of the Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority (ERSAR), responsible for the areas of economic regulation and corporate services (administrative, human resources and financial), Member of the Bureau of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators (NER) and Member of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health of UNECE.
She holds a degree in Economics from Católica Lisbon University and an MBA from Nova School of Business & Economics. Ana was Credit Analyst in the Departments of Large Companies of Banco de Fomento and of Banco BPI, Senior Consultant at Arthur D.Little, Sub Director of the Strategic Planning & Business Development Department at José de Mello Group and General Manager of the Strategic Planning & Business Development at EFACEC Group. She was Lecturer in Statistics and Introduction to Economics, at the Católica Lisbon University, and in Organization Theory and Total Quality Management, at the Nova School of Business & Economics (Lisbon).
Director of Water and Sanitation Services
Ivaylo Kastchiev
EWRC, Bulgaria
Ivaylo Kastchiev holds an MBA in the City University of Seattle, USA and PhD in Economics and Management in Sofia University, Bulgaria. He has more than 15 years of experience in Water and sanitation services, with ten years in utility and five years in the national regulator. Mr Kastchiev has worked ten years in Sofiyska Voda the biggest water and sanitation utility in Bulgaria, working under a concession contract with Sofia Municipality, owned by United Utilities – UK and later on Veolia – France. He was responsible for strategic investment plan- ning, life-cycle asset management, network operations and maintenance, non-revenue water reduction and many others. For the past five years,
Mr Kastchiev works in the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission of Bulgaria as manager and Water and Sanitation services director. He is responsible for the preparation and execution of all aspects of national regulation of quality and prices of water and sanitation services. Tariff Regulatory Frameworks in WAREG Members Countries.
“Tariff regulatory frameworks in WAREG Member Countries”
Head of Italian Office
Francesco Lo Passo
Mr Francesco Lo Passo, head of the Brattle Rome office, has more than twenty years of experience advising clients on competition, regulatory design and commercial litigation in energy, transportation, telecommunications, and other industries in Italy and throughout the world. Formerly a Member of the Council of Experts for the Italian Treasury and a Senior Advisor on energy to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has broad experience in global privatization processes. Dr. Lo Passo had worked on behalf of leading companies, investment banks, in- frastructure funds, and institutional bodies in ma- jor European countries, Turkey, South Africa, and India. He has advised clients on four-party schemesinterchange fees, state aid projects, tariff design, cost of capital estimation, damage quantification, network codes, revenue neutrality mechanisms, unbundling of regulatory accounts, and incentive mechanisms for renewable energy sources. He has also supported clients in defining their regulatory strategy during market reforms. Mr Lo Passo has authored numerous articles for technical journals.
Gareth is a Director in Pöyry Management Consulting with 23 years of experience in policy analysis, regulation and market design. A past Chair of the British Institute of Energy Economics, and key fi- nancial expert for the European Investment Bank, he has advised companies and regulatory author- ities on a range of price-control issues across the utility sectors both in the UK and internationally. Since joining Pöyry he has provided strategic anal- ysis of future regulatory tariffing arrangements for several national regulatory authorities and EU net- work asset owners and led regulatory due diligence on a series of utility network assets. He directed Pöyry’s support to Ofgem during the RIIO-T1 pro- cess and is currently working alongside Ofgem in implementing the RIIO-2 framework and spent six- months in 2014 on secondment at Ofgem where he acted as Interim Partner in the Markets division, overseeing policy development and implementation on a range of EU Network Code issues. Gareth has a D Phil and an M Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford and an MA (Cantab) in Eco- nomics from the University of Cambridge.
Reinhard Perfler
University on Natural Resources & Life sciences, Austria
Reinhard Perfler, professor at the university of natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. His most important fields of study are resource conservation, decentralized wastewater removal, drinking water purification and drinking water supply and man- agement in rural areas.
Reinhard has been awarded in 2001 with the EU- REKA Lillehammer Award, and became an adviso- ry board member of the International Association of Waterworks in the Danube Catchment Area (IAWD) in 2004. Since 2003 he is a member of the Austrian Association for Gas and Water – OVGW..
“The landscape of water tariffs in Austria: from calculation guidelines to practical application under different organizational conditions.”
Céline Nauges
Toulouse School of Economics, France
Céline Nauges is research director at the French Institute for Research in Agriculture (INRA) and member of the Toulouse School of Economics in France. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Toulouse.
Among other topics, her research has focused on understanding and modelling the water con
sumption behaviour of households, the use of irrigation water by farmers, and the cost structure and management (including tariff design) of water and wastewater services, both in devel- oped and developing countries. Céline Nauges has published a number of scientific articles in international journals, and she has also served as an expert on these questions for regulators in various countries (e.g., Egypt, Brazil, and South Korea) and international institutions (the OECD, the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank).
“Tariff Design for Economic Efficiency, Equity and Cost Recovery”
Assistant Professor
Rita Martins
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Rita Martins holds a PhD in Economics, dissertation title: Economic Regulation of the Water Industry – Promotion of competition and Sustainable Tariffs. She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of University of Coimbra and coordinator of the research group Institutions and Policies for Sustainable Development of Center for Business and Economics Research. Her main research field is industrial economics, regulation and water policy. Recently, she is interested in universality, affordability of utilities and communication through invoices.
She has published several articles in peer-re- viewed scientific journals (e.g. Journal of Productivity Analysis, Water Policy, Utilities Policy, Policy Studies) and participated in research projects (e.g. Pricing and behavioural responses in the water sector). She has also collaborated in the defi- nition of water and waste services tariff schemes for several Portuguese municipalities.
“Water affordability: assessment and policies”
Michele Tettamanzi
REF Ricerche, Italy
Obtains his PhD at the Università Cattolica di Mi- lano focusing on behavioral economics, both on the experimental and on the modelling side.
Since August 2018, he is employed at REF research on the Price and Tariff department. He is doing economic research and analysis especially integrating behavioral model applied to Public Local Services. He also teaches undergrad cours- es at Università Cattolica di Milano.
“Sustainable Tariff: information as a bridge between regulators, water industries and users”
Managing Director
Rob Sheldon
Accent, UK
Rob is MD of the market research firm Accent. He is an econometrician and market researcher. He introduced the stated preference research ap- proach to the European market in the 1970s since when he has spear-headed its use in a number of regulated market areas – water, energy ,environment, health, transport and finance. He has been instrumental in developing research practices in the water sector for over 20 years.
This has encompassed qualitative and quantitative approaches designed to explore in more detail the understanding consumers have of the market alongside their needs and wishes. The outcome has been to develop ever more insightful business plans.
“Participatory water tariff review: the market research perspective”
Leon Fields
Oxera, UK
Leon’s areas of expertise include market design, competition policy and the economic regulation of utilities. He is a member of the Regulation and Water teams at Oxera. Leon has in-depth knowl- edge of the water sector, having been actively involved in all aspects of the 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 periodic reviews.
Across utility sectors, Leon has detailed knowl- edge of incentive regulation, regulatory reform and market reform. Leon has also undertaken a number of projects on consumer behaviour, firm behaviour and market design. In particular, he has an in-depth knowledge of behavioural and experimental economics.
“Using water tariffs as a part of a package of water efficiency measures”
Editor in Chief
Nadia Weekes
ENDS Europe, Haymarket Media Group
Nadia Weekes is a senior editor with several years’ experience in high-profile B2B publishing in the energy and environment sectors. An editor in chief at Haymarket Media Group since August 2015, she is currently responsible for editorial content across the Windpower Monthly and ENDS brands. She has extensive experience as a journalist and editor in the utilities sector. Nadia holds an MA in Journalism Studies from the University of Westminster and a degree in Modern Languages from Rome University. She is an NUJ member in the UK and a member of Italy’s professional journalists’ association.
Across utility sectors, Leon has detailed knowl- edge of incentive regulation, regulatory reform and market reform. Leon has also undertaken a number of projects on consumer behaviour, firm behaviour and market design. In particular, he has an in-depth knowledge of behavioural and experimental economics.
“Using water tariffs as a part of a package of water efficiency measures”
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